2009年1月8日 星期四

2009年1月17日Sudoku cup題型及規則

網址在 http://sudokucup.com/
規則原文 http://sudokucup.com/node/83 第一個檔案是題型,第二個檔案是答案.

目前語言選項中並無中文, 據主辦單位稱至少要一百位華人報名, 才可增加中文說明, 現在不到四十人. 所以看似無望. 只好在此把規則中文一下以作備記. 各位數獨同好有興趣可以去註冊, 註冊即等同報名.
能不能拿到名次是其次, 這次會有很多高手, 去體驗一下也無妨.

第一題Classical Sudoku. 即普通數獨, 行,列,宮 1-9數字不重複.
Fill each cell of the gird with a digit 1 to 9 to appear only once in each row, column, or nonet (3X3 squares).

第二題Multi: 三道連體數獨, 各有一宮相連. 每個SUDOKU的黃色格子 1-9 不重複.
Apply standard sudoku rules and for more in each particular grid there are 9 coloured cells. Each digit in the coloured cells must be unique.

第三題Killer: 虛線框左上角的數字即框中各格數字相加之和, 同一個框中的數字不能重複. 同時要滿足普通通數獨的行列宮規則.
Apply standard sudoku rules. The sum of the cells must equal the total given for the cage in the upper right of the cage. Each digit in the cage must be unique.

第四題Kropki: 黑白點數獨, 黑點表示相鄰兩格為二倍關係, 白點表示相鄰關係, 1和9 不算相鄰. 同時滿足普通數獨的行列宮規則.
Apply standard sudoku rules. the white dots indicate all the adjacent/neighbouring cells in which the difference between the two cells is 1. The black dots indicate all the adjacent cells in which one digit is the double of the other one.
The dot between two cells with digits 1 and 2 has any of these two dots.

第五題Mathdoku: 數學數獨, 邊線上的數字可能是相鄰兩格之間的'和'或'商'或'積'或'差'.且每個宮中各要出現一次加減乘除的運算.
Apply standard sudoku rules. For more in each of nine nonets (3X3 squares) there are subsidiary numbers between two cells. These numbers are the results of binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) between the two cells In each nonet there must be used all the four binary operations.

第六題Sudo-Kuro: 意即Sudoku加上Kakuro. 在做Kakuro '斜線框內的數字表示其右方或下方各空格中數字的和' 的同時要滿同數獨的 行,列 1-9不重複的規則, 而且粗線所畫出來的框也是1-9不重複. 這點很重要.
Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9. The digits can't be repeated in rows, columns, or 11 marked shapes. The numbers outside and inside the grid set the sums in horizontal or vertical directions.

第七題Pairs, 行列宮1-9不重複, 黃色格子表示該格的數字如果是1, 則他四個對角方向:左上,左下,右上,右下 有且只有一個方向,相隔1位的數,是1. 如果是3,則相隔3位的數字是3. 黃色格子中的數字只能是1-8, 因為不可能有對角相隔9格.
相信很多人一開始看不懂, 請看獨數的例題:
Apply standard sudoku rules. There are pairs of cells diagonally connected and their diagonal distance corresponds to their values. It stands for each pair that one digit is stated in a yellow cell and the other one is in a white cell. Every yellow cell is exactly in one of the pairs. The other digits don't have the same feature. Every digit (except 9) is in one of the pairs at least.

第八題Quadruple: 四角數獨, 即四格中間的數字代表該四個格子的數字.
Apply standard sudoku rules. Each set of four small digits in the intersec indicate the intersection of two lines indigits that are in the four adjacent cells.

第九題Skyscrapers: 摩天樓. 邊上的數字表示從該方向能看到的樓層數. 1表示1層, 9表示9層, 低的會被高的遮住.
Apply standard sudoku rules. The numbers outside the grid means how many skyscrapers are seen from that direction of particular row or column *higher skyscrapes cover lower ones behind them).

第十題Untouchable: 無緣數獨. 一個數字與其左上,左下,右上,右下相鄰的數字不能相同. 1-7數字在每行,列, 及粗線的框內不重複.
Place a digit from 1 to 7 into each of the empty squares so the each digit appears exactly once in each of the rows, columns and the irregularly shaped regions. The same digits can't touch in the corners.

第十一題Jigsaw: 不規則數獨, 每行,列,粗線框中的宮, 1-9 不重複.
Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty squares so that each digit appears exactly once in each of the rows, columns and the irregularly shaped regions.

第十二題Surprise: 驚喜!

第十三題GT: 大小數獨.
Apply standard sudoku rules. There are given symbols of 'greater than' (>) or 'less than' (<) on the common line of the two adjacent cells.

第十四題Ring: 圓形數獨.
Fill in the digits 1 to 9 not be repeated in any of nine circle sectors, in any of nine circle parts bordered with hold lines, and in any of particular circles in the target, as well.

第十五題Sum sudoku: 和 數獨 規則在上一篇 印度比賽中有說明.黃色區塊左邊是四位數,黃色為三位數,右邊是二位數, 各相加,得出左邊的數字.
Apply standard sudoku rules. Each row is divided by zigzag vertical lines into 3 numbers. On the left side, outside the grid, there is the sum of the three numbers in each line.

以上許多題型均可在 http://www.sudokufans.org.cn 的每日一題中找到 (往日題目) 中.
