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出題的是大名鼎鼎的Jakub Hrazdira
前面13題是1-6 即2*3數獨. 例題都是3*3的.
1 C – Hidden Skyscrapers (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. Numbers correspond with heights
(1–6) of skyscrapers. If there is an arrow in a cell, then the corresponding number in
the cell means how many skyscrapers are seen from this cell in the direction given by the

這是特殊摩天輪, 有箭頭的格子中的數子表示從該格往箭頭方向能看到的樓層數.
2 A – Extraregions (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. There are exactly numbers of 1 to 6
in the colored extraregions (they can be disjoint).
額外區域數獨, 某個顏色的區域也是數字1-6不重複
3 U – Lines (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. The horizontal line in the cell means
that this number is a sum of two horizontal adjacent cells. The vertical line in the cell
means that this number is a substraction of two vertical adjacent cells. If there are both
horizontal and vertical lines in the same cell, both rules apply. All horizontal sums and all
vertical subtractions are marked in the puzzle.

有橫線的格子是左右格的和, 豎線是上下格之差, 沒有線的格子中的數字即不是左右之和也非上下之差.
4 C – Anti Knight (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. Moreover, in all the puzzle, there
does an anti–Knight rule hold, i.e., cells with Knight step away from each other cannot
contain the same digit.
Example: see FED-variant No. 136 or No. 137
or the 9th Mock Test by Gaurav Korde
無馬數獨, 即象棋中'馬' 的走法, 比如A1的數不能與B3或是C2的數相同.
5 H – Killer (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. The sum of the numbers in each
outlined cage is equal to the corresponding number given in the corner of the outline. No
number is repeated within a given outlined cage.
6 Y – IsoGeometrico (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. In the puzzle, there are (geometrical)
shapes for which it holds that sum of numbers on their bound is the same odd number for
all ones.

7 G – Even or Odd (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. In the colored cells, there are only
even or odd numbers.
8 O – Snowdrops (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. There are flowering snowdrops among
spring water streams. All the given numbers represent centers of the snowdrop flowers
(circled numbers) for which petals (cells adjoint to the center by edge) holds that they
are nonconsecutive with snowdrop center. And moreover, there are outlines water streams
those are even or odd numbers (even are green full and odd are blue dashed).

圈內的數字和上下左右的數字不連續, 綠線上的數字是偶數, 藍線上為奇數.
9 T – Irregular (points)
Fill the puzzle so that every row, every column, and every outlined T-shaped region con-
tains the numbers 1 to 6.
不規則數獨, 即常說的鋸齒.
10 R – Mix (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. In the puzzle, there are two cages with
the sums 16 and 19, respectively. Attention! The numbers in the cages may be repeated!
Moreover, there is a kropki-black dot, i.e., the corresponding adjacent numbers are in the
relation that one is a double of the other one. And also, there is a greater than sign between
two adjacent numbers. The last (nontraditional) sign is an arrow that indicates that the
number in the arrow-cell is at least once more time in the direction given by the arrow.
大雜燴數獨, 有兩個框, 兩個框之和為16或19, 框中的數字可重複, 黑點兩邊數字是兩倍關係, 會有大小於號表示相鄰數字關係, 還會有箭頭, 箭頭上的數字在安指的方向至少出現一次.
11 O – Diagonal (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6 with conditions on two main diagonal
indicated by dashed lines.
12 C – Prime Number Sums (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. In the puzzle, there are five lines
along which the sum of the numbers is a prime number. Prime numbers are different for
each line.
13 H – Shapes (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules on the numbers 1 to 6. In the puzzle, there are three shapes
(one is the letter H). And moreover, the x-condition hold, i.e., if the number x is x-times
in one shape, then one of occurrences of this number is circled. E.g., if there is only one
number 1 in a shape, then it must be circled; if there are five numbers 5 in a shape, then
one of 5s is circled.
Adult sudokus
Standard sudoku rules mean fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3 × 3 square
contains all different numbers from 1 to 9.
接下來是成人題 (那之前的都是兒童題嗎?)
1 Snowdrops (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules. There are flowering snowdrops among spring water streams.
All the given numbers represent centers of the snowdrop flowers (circled numbers) for
which petals (cells adjoint to the center by edge) holds that they are nonconsecutive with
snowdrop center. And moreover, there are outlines water streams those are even or odd
numbers (even are green full and odd are blue dashed).
2 IsoGeometrico (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules. In the puzzle, there are (geometrical) shapes for which it
holds that sum of numbers on their bound is the same odd number for all ones.
3 Nonconsecutive Irregular (points)
Fill the puzzle so that every row, every column, and every outlined region (it can be
disconnected) contains the numbers 1 to 9. All numbers are nonconsecutive.
4 Lines (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules. The horizontal line in the cell means that this number is a
sum of two horizontal adjacent cells. The vertical line in the cell means that this number
is a substraction of two vertical adjacent cells. If there are both horizontal and vertical
lines in the same cell, both rules apply. All horizontal sums and all vertical subtractions
are marked in the puzzle.
5 Diagonal Kropki (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules. This puzzle is similar to a standard kropki sudoku but, in
this puzzle, relations are between diagonally cells. There are three types of signs (white
dot, black dot and cross). A white dot indicates that the difference between diagonally
adjacent cells is 1. A blank dot means that one number is the double of the other one
(between the numbers 1 and 2, there is always a black dot). And a cross is between cells
that have same numbers. All the signs are marked in the sudoku grid with application of
the following sign priority rule: cross, black dot, white dot (e.g., if one diagonal pair is 5–6
and the second pair is 4–8, then black dot is placed between the numbers).
優先級 交叉,黑點,白點.
(小柒說的: 优先标的标志,能标黑就不标白了,能标叉就不标黑和白了 )
6 Extraregions (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules. There are exactly numbers from 1 to 9 in each colored
extraregion. These extraregions are overlaped in some cells.
7 Hidden Skyscrapers (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules. Numbers correspond with heights (1-9) of skyscrapers. If
there is an arrow in a cell, then the corresponding number in the cell means how many
skyscrapers are seen from this cell in the direction given by the arrow.
8 Arrows (points)
Apply standard sudoku rules. Moreover, there are 5 loops–cycles given by arrows in the
puzzle. Each arrow belongs to exactly one cycle, every arrows are marked. Each cycle is
a sequence of arrows which contains numbers 1 to 9, every number (with an arrow) point
to the next number, i.e., 1 points to 2, 2 points to 3, . . . , 9 points to 1 (cyclical property).
Next arrow is always in the same column or row.
以上, 感謝 飛一般的憂傷 柒柒 協助.
2 則留言:
因為看不到圖, 所以以下是我的猜測...
我猜測它類似 consecutive sudoku
(在 Mock test 8 第二題)
但是部分格子有箭頭, 其中每九個箭頭成為一組, 正好形成一個迴圈, 在謎題中一共有五個迴圈。
唉, 明天要參加一個數學科普書籍的研習, 大概沒法參加了。
對了 情人節快樂