用 join后, 条件要写在之后
select * from bdCustomerAllocate a
left join bdFollowRecord b
on ( a.id = b.allocateid and b.id = (select top 1 id from bdFollowRecord where allocateid = a.id order by followdate desc ))
where a.SalesStaff = 'liuhong'
select * from bdCustomerAllocate a
left join bdFollowRecord b
on a.id = b.allocateid
where a.SalesStaff = 'liuhong'
and b.id = (select top 1 id from bdFollowRecord where allocateid = a.id order by followdate desc )
保证where 句中的条件都是from 后的表,而不是join的表
1,条件写在left join, right join集合内。
(作left join得到的join 集合一般是统计数据,故与统计相关的条件都要放在left join之内)
(1) SELECT DISTINCT c.account FROM frmUser c
(2) LEFT JOIN bdCustomerAllocate a
(3) ON c.Account = a.SalesStaff
(4) WHERE a.SalesStaff in ( SELECT ControlAccount FROM permUserRelation WHERE CurrentAccount = 'luni' )
故在写 left join 时,join 的数据集最好执行去掉全部条件,而不是在left join之后再用where去除。
SELECT DISTINCT c.account FROM frmUser c
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SalesStaff FROM bdCustomerAllocate WHERE SalesStaff in ( SELECT ControlAccount FROM permUserRelation WHERE CurrentAccount = 'luni' ) ) a
ON c.Account = a.SalesStaff
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM bdCustomerAllocate ) a //无别名a是错误的,因为不指定别名,怎么在条件中引用数据集中的字段。
3, from 后的 join是对表集合的一种补充
SELECT DISTINCT c.account,d.* FROM frmUser c
JOIN bdCustomerAllocate a
ON c.Account = a.SalesStaff
, bdCustomerAllocate d
SELECT DISTINCT c.account,d.* FROM frmUser c, bdCustomerAllocate d
JOIN bdCustomerAllocate a
ON c.Account = a.SalesStaff